ScrapIt is meant as a replacement for Apples Scrapbook DA. ScrapIt does what the Scrapbook DA does and much more! What more does it do you ask? Well...
ScrapIt Features:
• Open or create different Scrap Files
• Import MacPaint, PICT or TEXT files
• Export PICT or TEXT files
• Find an occurence of text in any TEXT scrap item
• Select portions of TEXT or PICT scrap items
• Play sounds
• Name each scrap item in a file
• Resize the Scrap Window
• Fit a scrap items picture in the viewing rectangle
(reduce or center) or show it in full size with the
ability to scroll to see all of the picture
• Move to different scrap items in one of three ways
1. Use the bottom scroll bar as Apples Scrapbook DA does
2. Choose from a pop-up menu of the names of all items
3. Choose from a list of the names of all items
The ScrapIt window:
The framed viewing rectangle shows the current scrap item and, depending on the item, may have a vertical and a horizontal scroll bar which can be used to view all of a PICTure or a TEXT item. Below and to the left of the viewing rectangle will tell you how many scrap items there are and which one you are currently viewing (e.g. "1 / 5" means there are 5 items in the open scrap file and you are viewing item #1). To the right of that there is the name of the current item. To the far right will be the list of what types of resources are in the current scrap item (e.g., 'PICT' = a picture, 'TEXT' = any text, 'snd ' = a sound, and there can be many more depending on what application you copied data from). The scroll bar on the bottom is used to move to different scrap items in the file.
Moving to different scrap items:
You can move to different scrap items (if there is more than one item in the file) by:
1. Using the scroll bar at the bottom of the window
2. Clicking on the current items name and holding down
the mouse button, then select an item from the pop-
up menu
3. Holding down the Command key while clicking the
items name to get a list of all items to choose
Adding an item to the scrap file:
If there is any data on the clipboard you can place it into the scrap file by selecting 'Paste' from the Edit menu. The item will be placed in the current position in the scrap file.
Removing an item from the scrap file:
If you no longer want a certain scrap item in the scrap file, you can remove it by selecting 'Cut' or 'Clear' from the edit menu (unless a portion of a PICTure or TEXT is selected).
WARNING: Clearing an item cannot be undone!
Copying portions of text:
When the current scrap item is of type 'TEXT', portions of the text can be copied to the clipboard. You select portions of text as you normally would with any word or text processor. You cannot clear or cut portions of text, it can only be copied while any text is selected.
Copying portions of a picture:
When the current scrap item is of type 'PICT', portions of the picture can be copied to the clipboard. You select portions of a picture as you normally would with a selection rectangle in a graphic type program (MacPaint, MacDraw, etc...). Click on any part of the PICTure and drag a rectangle over the area you wish to copy, then release the mouse button. You cannot clear or cut portions of a PICTure, it can only be copied while any portion of the PICTure is selected.
NOTE: You can unselect any selected portion of a PICTure by moving to another scrap item or by using the Unselect menu item.
What file does ScrapIt open upon starting?
Upon starting ScrapIt, it will look for a file in the System Folder or in the root directory named 'ScrapIt File', if it is not found it will look for the file named 'Scrapbook File' (the name Apple's Scrapbook DA uses).
Opening and creating scrap files:
By using the 'Open Scrap File...' menu item you can open a scrap file created by ScrapIt or any of Apple's 'Scrapbook File' files (including System 7). You can create a new scrap file by choosing the 'New Scrap File...' menu item from the ScrapIt menu.
Importing/Exporting files:
IMPORTING: A TEXT file can be imported into the current scrap items position by selecting 'Import TEXT file...' from the ScrapIt menu (the TEXT file must be 32,000 characters or less). Import a MacPaint or PICT file by using the appropriate menu items.
EXPORTING: A TEXT file can be created if the current scrap item is of type TEXT. A PICT file can be created if the current scrap item is of type PICT.
Searching for text:
You can search for any occurence of text in any TEXT item by choosing 'Find...' from the ScrapIt menu. You can search through only the current TEXT item or you can globally search all the TEXT items in the scrap file by checking the appropriate check boxes. The check boxes are:
1. Ignore case = Checked, the search will not
be case sensitive
2. Wrap around = Checked, the search will
continue at the beginning
of the text if a match is
not found after reaching
the end (if the Search All
check box is checked, the
search will wrap to the
first scrap item upon
not finding a match in the
last TEXT item of the file
3. Search all = Checked, the search will
check all TEXT scrap items
Maximum scrap items in a scrap file = 255.
This is shareware, if you use this DA, please send in the requested registration fee (check the 'About ScrapIt...' menu item). I have spent many hours developing this and would like to continue developing useful shareware products in the future.
I have tested this DA to the best of my ability but cannot possibly test it with every application, INIT setup, etc. If you find any problems, please let me know about it! Also, if you have any suggestions of other features you'd like to see this DA have let me know. You can contact me at this address: